Monday, February 23, 2009


Sorry for the lack of posting, especially the long-delayed Zaytinya post. I am in the middle of grad school hell right now. Five classes is completely overwhelming. I really don't know how I'm going to make it through to tomorrow, when I get a momentary (it will feel like 5 seconds) break.

My gmail away messages have detailed my progression:
  • not looking forward to chem fate
  • chem fate is death
  • is about to cry
  • is crying because chem fate is insane
  • feels horrible
  • wonders why she's in grad school
Not included in that are highlights of the weekend:
  • Watching a crazy modern dance performance inspired by the music of a composer who died in the Holocaust on Friday night with a friend while Nick had his own Wii date with the bf of said friend
  • Cheering Nick on at his ultimate frisbee tournament on Saturday where they made it to the next round
  • Eating semi-decent Vietnamese food
  • Spending 10 hours in the computer lab on Sunday doing GIS, ending with
  • Dinner with friends at a Thai restaurant, followed by
  • 4 hours agonizing over chem fate, interspersed with various nervous breakdowns
And now here I am. I've got a lab report to bang out and a crazy insane midterm to complete. Cross your fingers that I survive this storm.

P.S. Nick is doing great.

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